Account Registration

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Registration page
To access Pokémon World Online - you require an account. An account can be registered for free. The following registration options are available:
  • Standard Registration
    • Open to everyone (unable to register with an email address already used for another account)
  • Alternative Registration
    • Open to current players (registering on same email address)
  • Friend Invitation
    • Open to current players (registering on a different email address)

Standard Registration

Request Registration Link

Upon the first visit to the registration page - you will be asked to provide an email address. This will allow an email to be sent to the address provided with a registration link.

Check your Mailbox

An email will have been sent to the email address provided. The subject of the email will be 'Registration - Pokemon World Online'. The email will contain a link which will remain valid for 60 minutes.

Complete Account Form

When you have accessed the link given in the email - you will be presented with a form asking for the following:

  • Username
    • Between 4-25 characters
    • Can only be made up of letters, numbers and the following characters (- ~ . !)
    • Must not be made up of more than 70% of uppercase letters
    • Must not already be in use
    • Some usernames may be rejected, see the Username Troubleshooting section
  • Password
    • Between 8-20 characters
    • At least 40% minimum strength
    • Must include:
      • At least one lowercase letter
      • At least one uppercase letter
      • At least one number
      • At least one of the following characters (. - ~ ! ? £ $ % & @ # < >)
    • Some passwords may be rejected, see the Password Troubleshooting section
  • Gender

You can then click on 'Register Account' upon reading and agreeing to the Rules, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

An account will then be registered.

For Friend Invites:
The account registered and the account to make the original request will be credited with 20 tokens each (limited to 3 accounts within a 21 day period).

Already have an account?

Requesting an account

If you already have an account, you can make two types of requests - an alternative account request or a friend request. Both use a separate queue to the new account request. Once you have logged in, you just fill in the request form as explained in the Request Form section. From then, you're waiting for your registration key.

Submitting your key

Once you have your registration key, visit the registration page via Playerdex and enter the key in the two text boxes near the footer of the page.

Errors explained

The registration key you have provided doesn't match with the confirmation key.
The registration key you provided in the confirmation text box doesn't match that used in the first confirmation key box.

You have entered an invalid registration key (*).
1 - The registration key provided isn't 17 characters long.
2 - The registration key provided contains invalid characters. The registration key is made up of limited characters.
3 - The registration key provided couldn't be found.

Reg 4.png

Registration form

The registration form allows you to just enter your username for your alternative account. The password and gender from the requesting user account will be used as the password and gender for the alternative account. Once the 'Register Account' button is clicked, the account would have been created.

Errors explained

You have entered an invalid registration key (*).
1 - The registration key provided isn't 17 characters long.
2 - The registration key provided contains invalid characters. The registration key is made up of limited characters.
3 - The registration key provided couldn't be found.

Either the username or password you have entered is too short or too long.
The username or password contained too few or too many characters. Read the additional note at the top of the registration page.

The username you tried to register is unavailable.
The username is already registered by another user.

We are unable to register your account, please try again.
An error occurred while trying to create the game account, register again.

You have entered an invalid password.
Your password can not be your username or 'PASSWORD'. There may also be invalid characters in the password. Pick another password.

The username you tried to register isn't allowed.
The username you're trying to register contains either a staff tag or language which isn't allowed in PWO.

Request Form

The request form is used for all players to make an request for an account. In order to make your request, you just need to fill in the request code, your email address, and the correct answer to a math equation. Your request code comprises a string of randomly generated characters, containing two special characters that must be replaced with the correct character(s).

Changing Special Characters
In your request form, you will find two special characters—characters that are non-alphanumeric. !, @, $, %, &, * and + are all examples of special characters.

You will be instructed to replace it with a character, which is specified in your request form.

Example: Change all special characters to K.

Request code (before):   ~SxxSC+TnF
Request code (after):   KSxxSCKTnF

Hash code
If the hash symbol (#) appears in your form, you will be required to replace it with the second character of your email address. This only applies if the hash symbol appears in your form; if it does not, you will only need to replace two special characters with what you are instructed to (see above instructions).

Example: Change all special characters to B.


Request code (before):   z#Ad7N?mYJ
Request code (after):   zeAd7NBmYJ

Math equation

You will need to solve a simplistic math equation. It must be a 2-digit value; if the correct answer is less than 10, add a 0 before your answer. For example, if answer is 5, enter '05'.

Errors explained

Invalid request (*)
5 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.
6 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.
7 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.
8 - Email provided was less than 3 characters. Try another email.
9 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.
10 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.
13 - Email provided is invalid or '' was given as email. Try another email.
14 - Request code provided does not match the request code our system is expecting. Try again.

Invalid request - code must not be in CAPS, only use CAPS for # conversion.
The request code is case sensitive. Capitals should only be used if the character # appears in your pass code or if the second character of your email is typed as a capital.

Failed to provide request code.
There was no request code inputted by the user. Try again.

Only the answer to the pass sum was entered for the pass code.
When typing out the request code, you only entered the answer to the pass sum. The pass code is made up of three main parts. The second character of your email, the pass code and the answer to the pass sum. Try again.

Your pass code was too long
The pass code the user provided is too long. Try again.


Please note the following only applies for the upcoming Playerdex update!

My email is rejected, why?
Pokémon World Online blocks the following hosts:
  • List coming soon
The following hosts currently block our emails: