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Stats are the data of Pokémons. They determine the performance of each particular Pokémon individually in a battle.

List of Stats

Permanent Stats

Permanent stats are data that follow a single Pokémon. They are not transferable and will be reset from battle to battle. Players can check their Pokémons' permanent stats when players hover over their mouse cursor hovers over their Pokémons on the HUD, or on their Playerdex at anytime.


HP, which means hit points, determine how much damage a Pokémon can take before fainting. It is represented by a bar which can be seen both in and out of a battle. During a battle, two bars will appear on the right and top, displaying the HP of their battling Pokémon and the rival Pokémon respectively. Numerical fractions of the HP will also be shown under the bar during a battle, though players can only check the numerical fractions of ally Pokémons.

The colour of the bars represent the remaining HP of Pokémons. When a Pokémon has more than half of its HP (>50%), the bar remains green. When the Pokémon has between one-fifth and half of its HP (20%<HP≤50%), the bar will turn yellow. When the Pokémon has less than or equal to one-fifth of its HP (≤20%), the bar will turn red.


Attack stat, or ATK for short, partly determines how much damage a Pokémon deals when using a physical move. For more information on how attack affects damage, see Damage Formula.


Defense stat, or DEF for short, partly determines how much damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit by a physical move. For more information on how defense affects damage, see Damage Formula.

Special Attack

Special Attack stat, or SPATK for short, partly determines how much damage a Pokémon deals when using a special move. For more information on how special attack affects damage, see Damage Formula.

Special Defense

Special Defense stat, or SPDEF for short, partly determines how much damage a Pokémon receives when it is hit by a special move. For more information on how special defense affects damage, see Damage Formula.


Speed stat, or SPD for short, determines how quickly a Pokémon can act in battle. Pokémon with higher speed will make a move before ones with lower Speed under normal conditions when both of them are not using priority moves; in the case that two Pokémons have the same speed, one of them will randomly go first.

In-Battle Stats

In-Battle Stats are stats that are only effective during a particular battle. Once the battle has finished, they will be reset. Currently, there is no way to check in-battle stats.

Evasion Rate

Evasion Rate of a Pokémon's move determines its probability of evading the opposing Pokémon's moves. The initial value at the start of any battle is 100% and can be modified by moves during the battle. However, currently among the only 5 evasion rate affecting moves, only Double Team and Minimize can function properly in PWO. Defog, Sweet Scent, and Acupressure are all broken moves.


Accuracy Rate of a Pokémon's move determines its probability of hitting the opponent. The initial value at the start of any battle is 100% and can be modified by moves during the battle.

Determinants of Stats

Base Stat Values

Base Stat Values has the greatest influence in determining the permanent stats of a Pokémon. For more information on how base stat values affect permanent stats, see Stats Formula.


When a Pokémon grows a level, its stats will increase. The stats increase is partly determined by the level of the Pokémon. The maximum level for Pokémons in PWO is currently 100. For more information on how base stat values affect permanent stats, see Stats Formula.


Main Article: IVs

IVs, which stands for individual values,are one of the only two dynamic stat variables that factor into your Pokémon's stats; Along with EVs, they are contributory differential in your Pokémon's stats. The maximum IV for Pokémon in PWO is currently 31. For more information on how base stat values affect permanent stats, see Stats Formula.


Main Article: EVs

EVs, which stands for effort values, are one of the only two dynamic stat variables that factor into your Pokémons' stats; Along with IVs, they are contributory differential in your Pokémons' stats. Currently in PWO, the maximum EVs for each Pokémon is 510 while the maximum effective EVs for each of the categories are 252. For more information on how base stat values affect permanent stats, see Stats Formula.

Stat Modifiers

Main Article: Status Effects

When a stat is used in a calculation in battle, a number of modifiers may be applied during the calculation. During a battle, a Pokémon's effective stats may be raised or lowered by certain moves, Abilities, and held items. Some attacks may only have a chance of raising or lowering stats, while certain abilities and held items may require a triggering event to activate any stat modifications.

When out of a battle, stats can be modified by modifying EVs. Players can modify their Pokémons' EVs by defeating rival Pokémons or using certain items on them.


Stats Formula

For all Pokémons except Shedinja, their HP are calculated by this fomula:


and their other permanent stats including Shedinja, are calculated by this formula:


Damage Formula

For all Pokémons, the damage they deal is calculated by this formula:



  • Attack is the attacking Pokémon's attack or special attack stat, depending on the category of the move.
  • Defense is the defending Pokémon's defense or special defense stat, depending on the category of the move.
  • Level is the level of the attacking Pokémon.
  • Base is the base power of the move.

and Modifier is calculated by this formula:



  • STAB is same-type attack bonus which equals to 1.5 if the attack is of the same type as the user, and 1 if otherwise.
  • Type is the type effectiveness which equals to either 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, or 4 depending on the type of attack and the type of the defending Pokémon.
  • Critical is critical hit which equals to 1.5 for a critical hit, and 1 otherwise.
  • Other counts for things like held items, Abilities, field advantages.
  • random is a random number from 0.85 to 1.00.

The results are rounded down.