Blueshell Bay

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Blueshell Bay

Talk to this NPC to begin the Blueshell Bay.

Mango Island
Starting Point
   Vermilion City   
Just Keep Swimming
Summer Vibes


Sun, Sea and Hunting!

Blueshell Bay was an event map hosted during Summer 2022. This map featured a total of 21 catchable Pokémon; 3 of which were not previously catchable (Wailmer, Frillish, and Gible). The event is filled with various NPC interactions and introduced a unique aspect where the map changes at certain times - from low tide to high tide. So put on your best swimwear, lather yourself in sunscreen, and don't forget your fishing rod as you head on o'er to a Vermilion City or Violet City fireplace near you! The event ran from July 7, 2022 to July 31, 2022.

More information about the event is available on the forums.

Announcement Message

PansyIcon.png GM Pansy:

It's Summer time! The temperatures are rising and it's getting hot in PWO! We are very pleased to announce that the Summer Event has officially begun and welcome you all to join in on the fun!

A Typhoon has swept through Mango island, destroying everything in it's path! The Kantonian government are requesting an urgent appeal to help get the island back to normal; with the help of lead aider Joel. While most residents work on sourcing food and preparing dishes, Joel is calling for all others to help clean up the island from all the left over Typhoon Debris.

Surf the waves, throw your lines, search the highlands or search the low grounds to find as much Typhoon Debris as possible to help Mango island become what it once was.

Rumor has it the entrance to this cosy cove paradise is through a mysterious fireplace somewhere in Vermillion City or Violet City.

The event will be running from today through to the 31st of July. In the final week we plan to add a tutor who will be available until the end of the end. We welcome any suggestions from you, the players, of what you would like to see from the event tutor.

On behalf of the PWO team, thank you for being here. Happy gaming~


Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori
Art by Ken Sugimori

Key: #1 - Easy, #2 - under 1 hour, #3 - 1-5 hours, #4 - 5-15 hours, #5 - 15+ hours

Shiny Variants

The chances to encounter a shiny Pokémon are 1/8192 without Membership and 1/2048 with Membership. Good luck!


Shiny RattataShiny Stantler Shiny SnubbullShiny ExeggcuteShiny GrowlitheShiny VulpixShiny Girafarig Shiny Pinsir Shiny Sudowoodo Shiny Combee Shiny Numel Shiny Gible


Shiny Poliwag Shiny Tentacool Shiny Horsea Shiny Remoraid Shiny Qwilfish Shiny Dratini Shiny Wailmer Shiny Frillish

Event Item Exchange


PremierBall.png PremierBall PokémonDollar.png2 Typhoon Debris No added extra effect and just acts in a similar manner to a normal PokéBall.
RepeatBall.png RepeatBall PokémonDollar.png3 Typhoon Debris Works best on Pokémon of a species which you have already captured or obtained.
Berry Juice.png Berry Juice PokémonDollar.png10 Typhoon Debris Restores 20 HP.
TM37.png TM37 PokémonDollar.png35 Typhoon Debris A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types.
TM82.png TM82 PokémonDollar.png75 Typhoon Debris The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
Heat Rock.png Heat Rock PokémonDollar.png150 Typhoon Debris A Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Sunny Day used by the holder.
Assault Vest.png Assault Vest PokémonDollar.png200 Typhoon Debris An item to be held by a Pokémon. This offensive vest raises Sp. Def but prevents the use of status moves.
Dragon Gem.png Dragon Gem PokémonDollar.png500 Typhoon Debris A gem with a draconic essence. When held, it strengthens the power of a Dragon-type move only once.

Move Tutors

Italics - Indicates STAB Bonus. Bold - Indicates a Broken Move.

Giga Drain Grass Special 75 100 15 Typhoon Debris Blueshell Bay 2022
Draco Meteor Dragon Special 140 90 15 Typhoon Debris Blueshell Bay 2022
Fire Punch Fire Physical 75 100 15 Event Coin Burnt Tower 2023
  Refer to this article for more details on tutor-teachable moves.

Refer to:


Low Tide

Blueshell Bay (Low Tide)

High Tide

Blueshell Bay (High Tide)

Old Map

Oldshell Bay