Bug (type)

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  Bug     Dark     Dragon     Electric     Fairy  
  Fighting     Fire     Flying     Ghost     Grass  
  Ground     Ice     Normal     Poison     Psychic  
  Rock     Steel     Water  

Bug is one of the seventeen elemental types that have been incorporated within PWO.

Type Effectiveness

Bug-Type Attacks

Offensive Damage Modifiers
 2× Strong against  1× Neutral against  ½× Weak against  0× Effectless against



Bug-Type Pokémon

Defensive Damage Modifiers
 2× Weak to  1× Neutral to  ½× Resistant to  0× Immune to




Bug-type Pokémon are habitatually among the more common Pokémon types to encounter, especially early on in a trainer's journey. Various Bug-type Pokémon that are huntable early on in a trainer's journey, namely Caterpie and Weedle, are fully evolvable at earlier levels than most Pokémon; this renders them statistically useful, by virtue of the relative ease of obtaining their fully evolved forms, to capture and train in the infancy of a trainer's journey.

Primary Bug-Type Pokémon

#PokémonType 1Type 2
010 010small.png Caterpie Bug
011 011small.png Metapod Bug
012 012small.png Butterfree Bug Flying
013 013small.png Weedle Bug Poison
014 014small.png Kakuna Bug Poison
015 015small.png Beedrill Bug Poison
046 046small.png Paras Bug Grass
047 047small.png Parasect Bug Grass
048 048small.png Venonat Bug Poison
049 049small.png Venomoth Bug Poison
123 123small.png Scyther Bug Flying
127 127small.png Pinsir Bug
165 165small.png Ledyba Bug Flying
166 166small.png Ledian Bug Flying
167 167small.png Spinarak Bug Poison
168 168small.png Ariados Bug Poison
193 193small.png Yanma Bug Flying
204 204small.png Pineco Bug
205 205small.png Forretress Bug Steel
212 212small.png Scizor Bug Steel
213 213small.png Shuckle Bug Rock
214 214small.png Heracross Bug Fighting
265 265small.png Wurmple Bug
266 266small.png Silcoon Bug
267 267small.png Beautifly Bug Flying
268 268small.png Cascoon Bug
269 269small.png Dustox Bug Poison
283 283small.png Surskit Bug Water
284 284small.png Masquerain Bug Flying
290 290small.png Nincada Bug Ground
291 291small.png Ninjask Bug Flying
292 292small.png Shedinja Bug Ghost
313 313small.png Volbeat Bug
314 314small.png Illumise Bug
401 401small.png Kricketot Bug
402 402small.png Kricketune Bug
412 412small.png Burmy Bug
413 413small.png Wormadam Bug Grass
414 414small.png Mothim Bug Flying
415 415small.png Combee Bug Flying
416 416small.png Vespiquen Bug Flying
469 469small.png Yanmega Bug Flying
540 540small.png Sewaddle Bug Grass
541 541small.png Swadloon Bug Grass
542 542small.png Leavanny Bug Grass
543 543small.png Venipede Bug Poison
544 544small.png Whirlipede Bug Poison
545 545small.png Scolipede Bug Poison
557 557small.png Dwebble Bug Rock
558 558small.png Crustle Bug Rock
588 588small.png Karrablast Bug
589 589small.png Escavalier Bug Steel
595 595small.png Joltik Bug Electric
596 596small.png Galvantula Bug Electric
616 616small.png Shelmet Bug
617 617small.png Accelgor Bug
632 632small.png Durant Bug Steel
636 636small.png Larvesta Bug Fire
637 637small.png Volcarona Bug Fire
649 649small.png Genesect Bug Steel
664 664small.png Scatterbug Bug
665 665small.png Spewpa Bug
666 666small.png Vivillon Bug

Secondary Bug-Type Pokémon

#PokémonType 1Type 2
347 347small.png Anorith Rock Bug
348 348small.png Armaldo Rock Bug
451 451small.png Skorupi Posion Bug


Twineedle Physical 25 100
Pin Missile Physical 14 85
String Shot Status 0 95
Leech Life Physical 20 100
Spider Web Status 0 100
Fury Cutter Physical 20 95
Megahorn Physical 120 85
Tail Glow Status 0 100
Silver Wind Special 60 100
Signal Beam Special 75 100
U-Turn Physical 70 100
X-Scissor Physical 80 100
Bug Buzz Special 90 100
Bug Bite Physical 60 100
Attack Order Physical 90 100
Defend Order Status 0 100
Heal Order Status 0 100
Rage Powder Status 0 100
Quiver Dance Status 0 100
Steamroller Physical 65 100
Struggle Bug Special 30 100
Fell Stinger Physical 50 100
Infestation Special 20 100
Powder Status 0 100
Sticky Web Status 0 100