Ice (type)

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  Rock     Steel     Water  

Ice is one of the seventeen elemental types that have been incorporated within PWO.

Type Effectiveness

Ice-Type Attacks

Offensive Damage Modifiers
 2× Strong against  1× Neutral against  ½× Weak against  0× Effectless against



Ice-Type Pokémon

Defensive Damage Modifiers
 2× Weak to  1× Neutral to  ½× Resistant to  0× Immune to




Primary Ice-Type Pokémon

#PokémonType 1Type 2
144 144small.png Articuno Ice Flying
220 220small.png Swinub Ice Ground
221 221small.png Piloswine Ice Ground
225 225small.png Delibird Ice Flying
238 238small.png Smoochum Ice Psychic
361 361small.png Snorunt Ice
362 362small.png Glalie Ice
378 378small.png Regice Ice
471 471small.png Glaceon Ice
473 473small.png Mamoswine Ice Ground
478 478small.png Froslass Ice Ghost
582 582small.png Vanillite Ice
583 583small.png Vanillish Ice
584 584small.png Vanilluxe Ice
613 613small.png Cubchoo Ice
614 614small.png Beartic Ice
615 615small.png Cryogonal Ice
712 712small.png Bergmite Ice
713 713small.png Avalugg Ice

Secondary Ice-Type Pokémon

#PokémonType 1Type 2
087 087small.png Dewgong Water Ice
091 091small.png Cloyster Water Ice
124 124small.png Jynx Psychic Ice
131 131small.png Lapras Water Ice
215 215small.png Sneasel Dark Ice
363 363small.png Spheal Water Ice
364 364small.png Sealeo Water Ice
365 365small.png Walrein Water Ice
459 459small.png Snover Grass Ice
460 460small.png Abomasnow Grass Ice
461 461small.png Weavile Dark Ice
646 646small.png Kyurem Dragon Ice
698 698small.png Amaura Rock Ice
699 699small.png Aurorus Rock Ice


Ice Punch Physical 75 100
Mist Status 0 100
Ice Beam Special 95 100
Blizzard Special 120 70
Aurora Beam Special 65 100
Haze Status 0 100
Powder Snow Special 40 100
Icy Wind Special 55 95
Hail Status 0 100
Ice Ball Physical 90 90
Sheer Cold Special 0 30
Icicle Spear Physical 25 100
Avalanche Physical 90 100
Ice Shard Physical 40 100
Ice Fang Physical 65 95
Icicle Crash Physical 85 90
Freeze Shock Physical 140 90
Frost Breath Special 40 90
Glaciate Special 65 95
Ice Burn Special 140 90
Freeze-Dry Special 70 100