New Releases
From Pokemon World Online Wiki
This page is to keep a log of the new releases in Pokémon World Online.
- Version 1.94 is out! You can grab it here.
- New Way to Chat Link your Pokemon. More Info here.
- There is a Star displayed next to evolved pokemon in your pokedex.
- Potions work outside of battle.
- Dusk stones and their appropriate evolutions have been added. Note that Dusk Stone is not available to players yet.
- More Sounds/Animations added.
- Burn now does half the normal damage.
- Freeze status now works in battles. You can unfreeze opponent's pokemon by using a fire type move. Ice type pokemon cannot be frozen.
- Paralyze now works correctly and causes pokemon to reduce their speed to 25%.
- Toxic and Poison Fang now cause the target to be Badly Poisoned dealing more damage after every turn.
- A bunch of moves fixed. For a complete list go here.
- Lighthouse on Olivine City was released along with a Lighthouse Quest.
- New Game Version is out! Pokémon 1.93 has been born. People are required to download it from This Page
- Multi Evolutions are now supported;
- Pokémon now has supprt for Day/Night features;
- Happiness system was added.
- Upgrade for 1.9 version;
- Overworld Pokemon feature was added.
- New Game Version is out! Pokémon 1.9 has been born. People are required to download it from This Page
- Smilies were returned to chat;
- IVs now show on mouse overs on your Pokemon;
- Clefary is now spelt Clefairy in the client;
- You can no longer spam "RUN" in battle
- You can not switch out a Pokemon whilst the NPC hasn't thrown theirs out yet resulting in a bugged fight.
- Pokemons inside your PC/Pokebox now show IVs and are just like the normal mouse-overs.
- Members will have fancy stars next to their names.
- Tauros Event quest has been added;
- Kanto Safari Zone is now 13 minutes long instead 10 minutes.
- Introduction for the GreatBall Upgrade item at Celadon City Department Store and Goldenrod City Department Store where you can upgrade the catch rate of the default Pokéball.
- Maze map is now locked. Players that were on it weren't kicked so they can accomplish the event.
- Priority moves have been coded however they may not work 100% properly read This Page for information.
- Cinnabar Island has been returned;
- Graveler, Machoke, Slugma, Magby and Magcargo have been updated.
- New map, the Cinnabar Volcano Path.
- Flamethrower has been added as TM.
- Volcanic Eruption Quest was removed.
- All rarities (Common,Rare,Very Rare, Horrible Rare) were temporarily changed to Unknown, read This Page for more details
- Volcanic Eruption Quest has been updated with Part 2;
- Staryu is no longer Rare by fishing at Pallet Town and it's baby version was removed from such area;
- Lv 1 Tentacool has been removed from Route 19.