The game features a variety of items for different uses. How they can be obtained, varies too.
- 1 Quest items
- 1.1 Amulet Coin
- 1.2 Ancient Gem
- 1.3 Ancient Scroll
- 1.4 Attack Scroll
- 1.5 Battle Points
- 1.6 Defence Scroll
- 1.7 Dratini Skin
- 1.8 Dusty Molten Feather
- 1.9 Event Coin
- 1.10 Final Molten Feather
- 1.11 Horsea Scale
- 1.12 Johto Passport
- 1.13 Kanto Passport
- 1.14 Leek
- 1.15 Molten Feather
- 1.16 Moltres Feather
- 1.17 Quartz
- 1.18 Shiny Rocks
- 1.19 Train Pass
- 1.20 Wild Mushroom
- 2 User bought items
- 3 Key Items
- 4 Out-of-battle Effect Items
- 5 Other items
Quest items
Amulet Coin
Amulet Coin is a quest item obtained from Amulet Coin Mini Quest. It doubles a battle’s prize money if the holding Pokémon joins in.
Ancient Gem
Ancient Gem is a quest item used during the Cerulean Cave Quest in order to access the Cerulean Cave B1F.
Ancient Scroll
Ancient Scroll is a quest item obtained from Bell Tower Quest. It is required to obtain 1 Soothe Bell.
Attack Scroll
Attack Scroll is a quest item obtained by completing the quiz at the Fighting Dojo located within Saffron City. For the Attack Scroll, you will need to choose legs as your attack preference for the final answer in the quiz. Each scroll allows you to access a different side of the Splitting River Reserve. Attack Scroll allows you to hunt for Hitmonlee.
Battle Points
Battle Points is a currency used to purchase items from Battle Tower located in the Seven Islands.
Defence Scroll
Defence Scroll is a quest item obtained by completing the quiz at the Fighting Dojo located within Saffron City. For the Defence Scroll you need to choose arms for your attack preference for the final answer. Each scroll allows you to access a different side of the Splitting River Reserve. Defence Scroll allows you to hunt for Hitmonchan.
Dratini Skin
Dratini Skin is a quest item obtained as a Pokemon drop from Dragons Den Quest in order to access Dragons Den.
Dusty Molten Feather
Dusty Molten Feather is a quest item used during the Mt. Silver Mini Quest in order to fully access Mt. Silver.
Event Coin
Event Coins are drop items from Pokémon fainted during specific event times. Event Coins can be exchanged for items and Move Tutors made available during any event. They do not expire and can be used in any future events.
Final Molten Feather
Final Molten Feather is a quest item used during the Mt. Silver Mini Quest in order to fully access Mt. Silver.
Horsea Scale
Horsea Scale is a quest item obtained as a Pokemon drop from Dragons Den Quest in order to access Dragons Den.
Johto Passport
Johto Passport is a quest item obtained during the Starters Island Quest upon choosing Johto as starter region.
Kanto Passport
Kanto Passport is a quest item obtained during the Starters Island Quest upon choosing Kanto as starter region.
Leek is a quest item used during the Ilex Forest Quest in order to advance your own progress through Johto.
Molten Feather
Molten Feather is a quest item used during the Mt. Silver Mini Quest in order to fully access Mt. Silver.
Moltres Feather
Moltres Feather is a quest item used during the Mt. Silver Mini Quest in order to fully access Mt. Silver.
A Quartz can be obtained by completing the daily Mt. Mortar's Quartz Quest mini-quest at Mt. Mortar. Once you have 3 Quartzes you will be able to trade them with 1 Stealth Rock from an NPC named Steaven from a house near the Goldenrod's Pokemon Center. It was also obtainable from Wobbuffett during a June 2023 Swarrm.
Shiny Rocks
Shiny Rocks is a quest item from Digletts Cave Quest in order to obtain the TM78 (Bulldoze)
Train Pass
Train Pass is a quest item obtained from the Kanto Train Quest or Johto Train Quest in order to receive free Transportation Tickets.
Wild Mushroom
Wild Mushroom is a quest item from Digletts Cave Quest in order to obtain the TM78 (Bulldoze)
User bought items
Bicycle (Hotkey:1)
At a cost of 500,000 - the Bicycle allows you to ride around most towns rather than choosing to walk. You can buy it from either Cerulean City or Goldenrod City. Riding the Bicyle requires an Earth Badge from Viridian City (if Kanto is your starting region) or a Rising Badge from Blackthorn City (if Johto is your starting region).
Riding the Bicycle allows you to move at proper speed in both directions when on Route 17 (Cycling Road); and also slightly speeds up movement in other areas.
Old Rod (Hotkey:2)
At a cost of 10,000, you can purchase an Old Rod, which lets you fish around the waters of Kanto and Johto for Pokémon that are only catchable while fishing. You can check your fishing level by clicking on the "Trainer" button on the client, or by typing /fish in the chat. It's available to purchase from a fisherman inside one of the houses in Vermilion City in Kanto, or if you have a Kanto Passport, from the Viridian Forest Clearing for a discounted price of
3,000. Lastly, it can also be obtained in Route 32 from a fishing guru in the Pokémon Center in Johto. For more information about fishing, visit the fishing page.
Wind Surfboard (Hotkey:3)
The Wind Surfboard allows you to surf on water. You purchase or obtain it via Wind Surfboard Quest at either Route 19 in Kanto or Olivine City in Johto.
Escape Rope
The Escape Rope will teleport you to your last visited Pokécenter. It can be purchased from either the Celadon City Department Store or the Goldenrod City Department Store for 550. Escape Ropes may also be obtained by talking to the greeters in Gyms after defeating their respective Gym Leader.
Repel, Super Repel and Max Repel repels wild Pokémon, preventing encounters in order to speed up travel. They can be purchased from either the Celadon City Department Store or the Goldenrod City Department Store. Super Repels are considered to be the most cost-effective option on a price-per-step basis.
Item | Price | Description | |
![]() |
Repel | ![]() |
Repel wild Pokémon for 100 steps. |
![]() |
Super Repel | ![]() |
Repel wild Pokémon for 200 steps. |
![]() |
Max Repel | ![]() |
Repel wild Pokémon for 250 steps. |
Transportation Ticket
Single-use tickets, as well as a month-long pass, are sold by ticket sellers in any of the transportation stations; the tickets are usable for all three Transportation Systems: the train, ferry, and aerial tramway. For monthly pass users, the pass must be checked by the NPC behind the counter in any of the stations before boarding.
Quantity of Tickets | Price |
1 | ![]() |
10 | ![]() |
30-day monthly pass | ![]() |
Key Items
Kanto/Johto Passport
You can get either a Kanto or a Johto Passport before you leave Starter Island. The passport is used to decide the levels of the gym leaders you'll face. Only one passport can be obtained, for the starting region you depart to. They are also required to begin the Viridian Forest Clearing and the Hidden Crag Quest in their respective regions.
Can be obtained by defeating gym leaders of their respective cities. Used to gain access to other cities/towns.
Boulder Badge
Defeat Brock in Pewter City.
Cascade Badge
Defeat Misty in Cerulean City.
Thunder Badge
Defeat Lt.Surge in Vermilion City.
Rainbow Badge
Defeat Erika in Celadon City.
Soul Badge
Defeat Janine in Fuchsia City.
Marsh Badge
Defeat Sabrina in Saffron City.
Volcano Badge
Defeat Blaine in Cinnabar Island.
Earth Badge
Defeat Blue in Viridian City.
Zephyr Badge
Defeat Falkner in Violet City.
Hive Badge
Defeat Bugsy in Azalea Town.
Plain Badge
Defeat Whitney in Goldenrod City.
Fog Badge
Defeat Morty in Ecruteak City.
Storm Badge
Defeat Chuck in Cianwood City.
Mineral Badge
Defeat Jasmine in Olivine City.
Glacier Badge
Defeat Pryce in Mahogany Town.
Rising Badge
Defeat Clair in Blackthorn City.
Out-of-battle Effect Items
Soothe Bell
Soothe bell boosts friendship gained by a Pokémon when held. It can be obtained via the Bell Tower Quest in Ecruteak City, via the Token Store for 250 tokens, or by trading.