PWO on a Mac
Attention! Read this FIRST!
You will need:
- An Intel Mac (PowerPC Macs are not supported, sorry) running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher.
If you're using Solution A, you also will need:
- The Virtual Machine Software you will be using, and a license for it. You can use pretty much any software that supports Mac OS X, such as Parallels Desktop for Mac ($80), VMWare Fusion ($50), or VirtualBox (free, not recommended due to lots of client lag).
NOTE: This guide will be using Parallels. - A Windows XP or higher install medium and a license (product key) for that version.
If you're using Solution B, you also will need:
- A Windows XP or higher install medium and a license (product key) for that version.
- A blank CD/DVD or a flash drive to copy drivers to. OR your Mac OS X install disc, depending what Boot Camp Assistant asks you to do.
Solution A: Virtual Machine (Easy)
- Download and mount the .dmg from the Parallels website.
- Double click the "Install" icon. This will start the installation.
- Follow the instructions. You will be prompted for your password.
- When done, start Parallels. Follow the instructions here to install Windows.
- When Windows is done installing, Parallels Tools will install. Do not shut down, restart, or suspend the Virtual Machine, or you might need to do the entire process all over again.
- If the Virtual Machine shuts down after it finishes installing, start it again.
- Download and install a modern web browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera. If you prefer Internet Explorer, install the latest version from Windows Update. (IE8 for Windows XP, IE9 for Windows Vista, IE10 for Windows 7/8) Most modern sites will look broken and load slow with older versions of Internet Explorer.
- Download and install the DirectX 9.0c runtime.
- Download and install PWO from the Main Site. Login.
- You're now playing PWO on a Mac!
Solution B: Boot Camp (Easy-Medium)
- Go to Applications -> Utilities. Open up the Boot Camp Assistant.
- Click Continue. It may ask to download Windows support software for your Mac. If so, click Continue and it will prompt for your password. Enter it in, and let the software download. When done, copy the files to a flash drive or burn them to a disc.
- Adjust the partition size of the Windows drive to your liking. Here are some guidelines for you to follow:
- An XP install will typically take up 5 GBs.
- A 7 (x64, fully updated) install will typically take up 20 GBs.
- You should leave about 15 GBs free for you to install other software.
- Click Partition when done.
- Insert your Windows install disc into the optical drive and click Start Installation.
- Install Windows normally. Click here if you don't know how.
WARNING: When asked to choose a partition, choose the one labeled BOOTCAMP. If you don't, you will lose your OS X installation!
Go have a break. Make a sandwich, have some coffee. It may take a while to install Windows.
If, at anytime during the Windows installation, you have to reboot, and it kicks you back into Mac OS X, see the note below.
- Windows Installation done? Okay. Time to install drivers.
If you had to download software: Eject the Windows disc from (My) Computer (the eject key will not work) and insert the disc or the flash drive. Run the installer, and the drivers will be installed.
If you were not prompted to download software: Eject your Windows install disc from (My) Computer. (the eject key will not work) Then, insert your Mac OS X install disc and run the installer.
Restart your Mac. - Download and install a modern web browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera. If you prefer Internet Explorer, install the latest version from Windows Update. (IE8 for Windows XP, IE9 for Windows Vista, IE10 for Windows 7/8) Most modern sites will look broken and load slow with older versions of Internet Explorer.
- Download and install the DirectX 9.0c runtime.
- Download and install PWO from the Main Site. Login.
- You're now playing PWO on a Mac!
Note: To switch operating systems, hold Option ⌥ when turning on your computer. You will see a menu similar to this, where you can pick between Mac OS X and Windows:

Solution C: Wine (Medium)
This solution was tested with OS X Mavericks (10.9 dp1), but it should work on OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) and higher. If it doesn't post on the Talk:PWO on a Mac talk page.
- Download Wine Bottler. In the .dmg, there will be two applications: Wine and WineBottler. Copy both of them to the Applications folder.
- Download and install XQuartz. It will prompt you to log out and back in.
- Download the Visual Basic 6 (SP6) runtime. Copy the .exe to /Users/<your username>/Library/Caches/winetricks/vb6run. If the folders don't exist, create them. (To get there, open a Finder window and choose Go -> Go to Folder, paste that address into the textbox and click Go. Remember to replace your <your username> with your username! If you don't know your username, open Terminal and type "whoami" without the quotes)
- Download the PWO installer from the Main Site. Try to run it, and close every window that opens except for the one that lets you choose an action, and choose to convert to a simple OS X Application bundle.
- Select "This is an installer, execute it". Also, select vb6run and d3dx9 from the Winetricks list.
- Click Install. Save the Application anywhere (I prefer Applications) and give it a name.
- Install PWO as normal. Accept the defaults for everything. Uncheck "Launch Pokemon World Online" at the end, and click Finish.
- Select the start-file with "PWO.exe" in it's name. Click OK.
- Open the .app that you created.
- PWO will start, but avoid touching the window border with your cursor. If you don't, it will act like you're dragging it all the time, even though you're not. If you happen to accidentally touch the window, quit with Command ⌘ + Q, as the next few steps won't work if that happens.
- Instead, go to Applications -> Configuration in the menu bar.
- Go to Graphics and select "Emulate a virtual desktop". Click Apply and OK.
- Hit Command ⌘ + Q to quit PWO. Launch it again after it closes.
- PWO will now be running in a virtual desktop. Observe where it starts, and if you happen to have your mouse inside the window border, skip this step. Quit PWO again with Command ⌘ + Q and start it again. Quickly drag your mouse to where PWO should appear.
- Un-check "Window Mode" and log in. Remember not to touch the window border.
- The client should connect to the server in 'full screen mode'. You are now free to move your mouse where you wish.
NOTE: You will have to do
Credits and Other Things
- ExpertMac2, for originally wikifying this guide and adding it here.
- risefromruins for creating the original guide.
- Esion's guide for giving me a program to use: Wine Bottler
- Mike Kronenberg for creating Wine Bottler
- KyroCorp for creating Pokemon World Online
- Zammbi and CodeCore Entertainment for maintaining and developing PWO
- All current staff for making PWO a great game