PlayerDex MyAccount

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My Account in PlayerDex
The My Account option when logged into the PlayerDex offers multiple options and choices to edit both your in-game character as well as your PlayerDex profile and settings.

My Account Homepage

This is the page you will see whenever you go to the My Account options. On the left hand side it has multiple options which you can select depending on what you want to do, these options are listed below. On the right hand side you will find general information about your account including your userID, when you were last active, your Membership status, current email, mutes, kicks and AFK Kick counts.

Account Options

Update Login Details & Email

Pdex MyAccount LoginDeatilsandEmail.png

This option allows you to change your username, password, or email address.

Changing your username:
To change your username, you will need a Name Pass which can be purchased from the Token Store for 250 Tokens. Once you've purchased a Name Pass, click on the username button and continue, you will be promoted to input a new username. Usernames must be between 4 and 25 characters. Characters allowed include A-Z, 0-9, -, ~, . and !. The first character of your username must be A-Z or 0-9. Your username can not contain over 50% of the overall length in uppercase (3 characters minimum). You will not be able to update your username for an 72 hour period.
Changing your password
To change your password, click on the password button and continue, you will be promoted to input a new password. Once complete, you will not be able to update your password for 3 hours.
Email Address
To change your email address, click on the password button and continue, you will be promoted to input an email address.Email address must be between 4 and 50 characters. Your email address can not be changed to any of the hosts listed on our Wiki.
Security Questions

Update Security Questions

Your account uses security questions to add an extra layer of protection for username, password and email changes. You can have either one or two questions set up for your account. If you set up two questions, they both must be answered when a check is required so make sure the answers are things that you can easily remember but would be hard to guess.

Game Options



This option allows you to change your character sprite in-game. Depending on your account you may have different options here. If you wish to change your sprite, click on the radio button next to the option that you want and click on "Update".


Friends lets you view all the friends you've added in-game and will give you when they were last active. You can also remove friends in this option by clicking on the "Remove" option on the right hand side of that user's name.

Login Settings

This option will let you select different things which are executed when you log into the game, to activate/deactivate one, simple check or uncheck what you wish and click on "Update". Currently the options are...

Ano (/ano)
Allows you to not be seen in the "Online List" in-game.
Login Settings
Battle Requests (/disable)
Disables/Enables battle requests
Private Messages (/pmoff)
Disables/Enables the sending/receiving of Private Messages.


This gives you general information about Guilds, if you are in one, as well as if you are eligible to create one or not.



This option gives you information as to what NPC's are available for battle in-game. You can sort this list by Route, Availability, and Name. Currently, it will give you the NPC's name, his/her Route location as well as if it is available for battle. Since in PWO, most NPC's reset after 2 weeks time, this is a handy tool to know if that time has passed.

Trade Pin Reminder

This option will allow you to get a PIN reminder (used for trading in Union Rooms sent to your email of your account. Please note you will be unable to make a request if your account was updated in the past hour or a reminder was requested in the past hour.

PlayerDex Options


About Me

This option allows you to edit your biography for your PlayerDex profile. When you're happy with your changes simply click on "Save".


This option allows you to edit your PlayerDex avatar. You're avatar is the image that most people will see next to your name in the PokeMart, Polls and Status updates. You can change this avatar to preset avatars or you can upload your own as long as it links to a png, gif or jpg typed image, be aware that all avatars will get resized to a size 75 x 75.

Profile Options


The Profile options allows you to customize privacy settings as well as add in extra information about yourself onto your PlayerDex profile. The first couple of options are privacy related as far as who you want to be able to access the different portions of your profile, most sections have the same options as to who you can choose to view these modules or areas of your profile, you can usually select from...

Meaning anyone that goes into the site will be able to see the section
Players Only
Only registered Players of the game will be able to see the section
Friends Only
Only people you have added to your Friends List will be able to see the section
Only You
Only you will be able to see the section

There are various modules or sections in which you can change privacy settings including, your profile, "About Me" section, friends, Pokemon team, statistics, Email(s), and who can reply to your status updates. Below the privacy settings you have more options to include a DayCare topic for a possible daycare that you may be running in the Forums, your Twitter username, your website, a video from a select group of video hosts including YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion. The last option in this section is to select a color which changes the section colors in your PlayerDex profile.


This option lets you control the ordering of Pokémon across Pokémon pages for all players. You can select to different options from a range of options in which you would like to sort the Pokemon. These options include, Position, Level Descending, Shiny, Level, National Dex ID. Selecting on two of these will determine the sort order, for example, if you select National Dex ID and Shiny, it will sort other players Pokemon first by those that come first in the National Dex ID and are also shiny (i.e. Shiny Bulbasaur, and Shiny Ratatta will appear before regular Bulbasaur).

Language & Skins

This section allows you to update the PlayerDex with different skins as well as different languages. Currently only English is available. This is a feature that is still a work in progress.

PlayerDex Bank

Transferring Funds

The PlayerDex Bank option allows you to transfer money from your PlayerDex Account to your in-game account and vice-versa. If you wish to transfer money from your in-game account to your PlayerDex Bank Account, all you must do is select "PlayerDex Bank" from under the "Transfer To" interface. From there, just type in the amount that you wish you transfer from your in-game account, please note that you can not transfer more money then you have in-game. If you want to transfer to your in-game account from the PlayerDex Bank Account, do the same just click "In-Game Account" instead. If the transaction was a success, you should see a message saying "The fund requested has now been transferred into your game account/bank account.".


Logs give general information as to what you have done, each logs gives different information and should be used to verify that everything is in order and that actions have been properly completed and recorded.

Pdex MyAccount AccountLogs.png

Account Logs

Account Logs allow you to view general activity from your account, from money transfers, to Global Link retrials, Email reminders/retrieved updates, and more general account processes that you have done.

Mart Logs

Mart Logs show you all your purchases/sales completed on the PlayerDex PokeMart.

Trade Logs

Trade Logs show you all trades completed in-game in Union Rooms.