Playerdex FAQs
Why is a convert required?
The Playerdex update as of September 2014 was accessing data in a different format to the data stored from before the update. To prevent a loss of data - the data would be converted to the new format.
Global Link
What does x% Free mean?
There is a limit to the number of items/Pokémon that you can view and collect per category. To view and collect more items - you need to collect items/Pokémon that are showing as available to collect for the category.
The leader of our guild is inactive/banned. Can I be the new leader?
If a guild has an assigned deputy - they will only have the opportunity to transfer to the leader rank.. For a guild with no deputies, players will be able to switch to the leader rank as long as their account is not banned.
Please note that a leader is required to be inactive for 6 weeks before the transfer can occur.
Why can I still transfer money to a guild bank?
Money is used to cover guild running fees. The guild leader will be able to view the current guild running fee by accessing Guild Central.
Pokémon Locations
Where can I view the location of a Pokémon?
Locations can now be found by visiting the PokéDex. Location information now also includes if the spawn is available by grass, fishing or surfing. Fishing level requirements are also noted.
Can I choose a different skin?
This is a planned feature.
What languages are available?
Currently the Playerdex can only be accessed in English. There are plans to introduce more languages though there is no time scale.
How do I transfer tokens to another Player?
You can transfer tokens to another Player by using Global Link. Please note that the Token Transfer is subject to a small fee.