Pokemon Hunters

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Throughout the history of Pokemon World Online it was always difficult to capture a low level Pokemon when our team consisted of high level Pokemon, especially when they were high tier or even shiny ones. Because of this, some/most players have opted to use Pokemon that are trained solely for this purpose. This page will serve as a guide to make your very own Pokemon hunter. It'll give you tons of tips including movesets, pros & cons, and how to make yourself one of the best Pokemon hunters: Smeargle.

Catching process

Pokemon capture takes these into consideration:

  • The Catch Rate of Pokemon (the lower it is, the harder it is to catch)
  • The current HP (The lower the HP the better; the HP-bar being red is optimal) of the Pokemon in question
  • The type of Poké Ball you use (There are different types of quality, Ultra Ball being the best in most cases)
  • Any non-volatile Status Effects the targeted Pokemon is suffering from (there are different ways to cause these effects; freeze or sleep being the best)

Avoid fainting the Pokemon

Don't use super effective moves or those with a high chance of a critical hit against the Pokemon you are trying to catch for this will faint the Pokemon and make it impossible catch it. In order to prevent this use the move False Swipe as it inflicts damage, but will leave the target with at least 1 HP. These are the Pokemon who learn False Swipe via level up or Breeding (Egg move) that are obtainable.

Use moves to inflict a status or prevent escaping

Commonly used Pokemon

  • Gengar (Hypnosis and Mean look)
  1. Pros: Tier 1, Can be used in NPC battles.
  2. Cons: Hypnosis is inaccurate, switching Pokemon will stop Mean Look from working.
  1. Pros: Tier 1, can be used in NPC battles, Has access to self-healing moves like Giga Drain and Aromatherapy, You can change its ability to Damp which prevents the use of self-destructing moves.
  2. Cons: It's the only Pokemon on this list that doesn't have a way to prevent the opponent from escaping the battle.
  • Gallade (Hypnosis, Mean Look {learn as Kirlia}, False Swipe)
  1. Pros: Can be used in NPC battles, good stats.
  2. Cons: Hypnosis is inaccurate, only obtainable in the Tokenstore (or from other players), only male Kirlia can evolve into Gallade.
  • Smeargle (Spore, False Swipe, Soak, Mean look)
  1. Pros: Can learn every move available on the game, Own Tempo (ability) prevents your Pokemon from becoming confused, Soak and Mean Look allows it to be used on every Pokemon available.
  2. Cons: Tier 5 Pokemon, difficult to train, poor stats, can't be used to faint Pokemon (with this moveset).

Training Smeargle

*Warning* Smeargle can't re-learn sketch from the Playerdex, and because it can't have more than one of the move Sketch at a time, Make sure it has at least 3/4 of your desired moveset before it learns its last Sketch at lvl91. (Including the one Sketch it has in the wild Smeargle only has access to 7 sketches).

Since Smeargle is a Pokemon that can learn any move in the game it is the perfect candidate for capturing Pokemon. But since the only way to make it learn moves in PWO is by fighting wild Pokemon, it's a difficult trick to pull off. This guide will teach you how to get moves on Smeagle the safe way.

After you get these Pokemon, delete all other moves via the Playerdex

  • After this, go search for wild Ditto (Cerulean Cave would be the best place to do so), Make it transform into one of the four beforementioned Pokemon by switching it in, then switch out into Smeargle and use Sketch. You'll have to do this as many times as it takes you to complete a Smeargle with all the moves you want.
  • Reminder: Smeargle can only learn one Sketch at a time, so level it up after learning every move.

Finally you have your perfect Pokemon hunter