Saffron City

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Kanto -Saffron City

Saffron City

Marsh Badge
Marsh Badge
The Gym Leader for this Gym is Sabrina
Gym Type : Psychic -Type
This is the 6th Badge in the Kanto Region.
Saffron City location
Saffron City is located here in the Kanto region.
North Exit: Route 5
East Exit: Route 8
South Exit: Route 6
West Exit:Route 7
Pokémon World Cities
Fuchsia CitySaffron CityCinnabar Island

Saffron City is located in Kanto. It is North of Route 5, South of 6, East of Route 8, and West of Route 7. It is the home to Sabrina as well as the Fighting Dojo. It is the location of the 6th Kanto Gym. It is also one of the two cities which have a Pokemon center with a Union Room which allows players to trade. In addition to both gyms located in Saffron City, there is also the Kanto Train Quest.

Points of Interest

Fighting Dojo

The Fighting Dojo allows you to start the Fighting Dojo Quest after defeating all the NPC's and answering a series of questions.

Train Station

Main Article: Train System

One of the 5 transportation points, centered on the train system, is stationed in Saffron City. The train runs between 5 designated locations in: Goldenrod City, Viridian City, Cherrygrove City, and Silver Town. At least 8 badges, in addition to a Transportation Ticket or a validly active Train Pass, are required to board the train.

The train is considered the most fastest and most convenient method of travel, wherein it is also the only instantaneous transportation method between both regions.

Union Room

The 2nd Floor of the Saffron Pokecenter contains a Union Room which allows people to trade, as long as they have met the requirements for trading.

Saffron City Gym

Saffron City's Gym uses primarily Psychic-Type pokemon.

Like all gyms in Pokémon World Online, the levels of the trainers inside the gym depend on the type of passport a player has. Those with a Kanto Passport will battle lower-level trainers while those with a Johto Passport will battle higher-level trainers.

Sabrina with a Kanto Passport

Sabrina.png Badge: Marsh
Town: Saffron City
Type: Psychic
Effective types: Bug, Ghost, Dark
Strong against: Fighting, Poison
Rep needed: 33 NPCs rep needed: 31
Kadabra.png MrMime.png Venomoth.png Alakazam.png
Kadabra Mr. Mime Venomoth Alakazam
Level: 38 Level: 37 Level: 39 Level: 41

Saffron Gym NPC with Kanto Passport

Pokémon Trainer Pokémon
Psychic Preston

Link=SlowbroSlowbro                              Level. 38Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Psychic Johan

Link=Mr. MimeMr. Mime                              Level. 31064small.pngKadabra                              Level. 31
Link=Kadabra Kadabra                              Level. 31Link=Slowpoke Slowpoke                              Level. 34
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Channeler Stacy

Link=HaunterHaunter                              Level. 38092small.pngGastly                              Level. 34
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Psychic Tyron

Link=Mr. MimeMr. Mime                              Level. 34064small.pngKadabra                              Level. 34
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Psychic Cameron

Link=SlowpokeSlowpoke                              Level. 33079small.pngSlowpoke                              Level. 34
Link=Slowpoke Slowpoke                              Level. 33Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Channeler Linda

Link=GastlyGastly                              Level. 33092small.pngGastly                              Level. 34
Link=Haunter Haunter                              Level. 35Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Channeler Vera

Link=GastlyGastly                              Level. 33092small.pngGastly                              Level. 34
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
*Once Battled again, NPC's Pokémon grow stronger up to 3-4 times.

Sabrina with a Johto Passport

Sabrina.png Badge: Marsh
Town: Saffron City
Type: Psychic
Effective types: Bug, Ghost, Dark
Strong against: Fighting, Poison
Rep needed: 86 NPCs rep needed: N/A
Venomoth.png Alakazam.png Jynx.png Espeon.png MrMime.png Alakazam.png
Venomoth Alakazam Jynx Espeon Mr. Mime Alakazam
Level: 71 Level: 73 Level: 73 Level: 74 Level: 74 Level: 75

Saffron Gym NPC with Johto Passport

Pokémon Trainer Pokémon
Channeler Sandra

Link=NatuNatu                              Level. 65177small.pngNatu                              Level. 67
Link=Xatu Xatu                              Level. 68Link=Espeon Espeon                              Level. 67
Link=Xatu Xatu                              Level. 68Ball2.png
Psychic Carly

Link=GirafarigGirafarig                              Level. 68203small.pngGirafarig                              Level. 67
Link=Jynx Jynx                              Level. 68Ball2.png
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Palm Reader.png
Palm Reader Jenny

Link=SlowpokeSlowpoke                              Level. 65080small.pngSlowbro                              Level. 66
Link=Slowpoke Slowpoke                              Level. 66Link=Slowking Slowking                              Level. 68
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Psychic Peter

Link=ExeggutorExeggutor                              Level. 68124small.pngJynx                              Level. 66
Link=Slowbro Slowbro                              Level. 67Link=Xatu Xatu                              Level. 67
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Hypnotist Larry

Link=Mr. MimeMr. Mime                              Level. 67097small.pngHypno                              Level. 68
Link=Alakazam Alakazam                              Level. 68Link=Mr. Mime Mr. Mime                              Level. 69
Ball2.png Ball2.png
Psychic Davy

Link=KadabraKadabra                              Level. 66096small.pngDrowzee                              Level. 67
Link=Espeon Espeon                              Level. 66Link=Hypno Hypno                              Level. 68
Link=Alakazam Alakazam                              Level. 67Ball2.png
Boy Chris

Link=SmoochumSmoochum                              Level. 65238small.pngSmoochum                              Level. 66
Link=Smoochum Smoochum                              Level. 67Link=Smoochum Smoochum                              Level. 68
Link=Smoochum Smoochum                              Level. 69Link=Jynx Jynx                              Level. 70
*Once Battled again, NPC's Pokémon grow stronger up to 3-4 times.