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A token is an imaginary barter item. Whenever you donate to PWO's servers, you are gifted with tokens. Other ways to obtain tokens include in-game events and contests on the website.

Each token can be exchanged for a multitude of items on the Playerdex that will either provide you with an item in-game or with a vanity item for your account. The overwhelming majority of these donation items are found within the game or on the site already, so donating to obtain these is entirely optional.

Tokens can be passed between accounts via playerdex global link, when a token appears on your account, the token is yours forever and nothing (except spending it/giving away for your own) will change that.

Tokens can be exchanged for a large variety of prizes, including potions, Pokéballs, and most notably Pokémon in the PlayerDex Mart.

Token Store

The token store on the PlayerDex Mart is the place where users are able to spend their acquired tokens.


The token store's main page.

Note: Make sure you are logged out in-game to transfer your purchases to your in-game account.

The first step to accessing the token store is to log into the PlayerDex. Make sure that you are logging in on Playerdex

Once you have logged on, in menu bar, click on "PokeMart". Once there, click on either "Items" or "Pokemon" under the "Token Seller" heading depending on what you want to purchase with tokens.

On the token store, it will list all of the Pokémon or items which you can purchase. There are currently up to 50 Pokémon and 27 items/bundles available for purchase.

Each row of the table should display the item/Pokémon(with Level), token cost.

When you located what you wish to purchase click on the name of the item or Pokemon, and if you have enough tokens in your account you will see a "Buy Now" option. Once you've selected that, your items will be available in the Global Link, you can head over there by click on the "Go to Global Link" button on the following page.


Once in Global Link, click on "Collect" on the left hand menu to switch over to the collect interface. Once there, make sure "PokéMart [TS]" is selected on the right hand options, and then click on "Save to Account" to transfer them over to your in-game account.

Token Pokémon

The following are all the Pokémon available through the token store at the this time. Please note that these Pokemon appear randomly on the Token Store and are rotated every couple days; also Pokemon may be added or removed from the store at any time at staff discretion. They are all level 5 when purchased. It should be noted that only some of these Pokémon are UC (uncatchable). These Pokémon have been identified by bold text.

359small.png Absol 304small.png Aron 343small.png Baltoy 001small.png Bulbasaur 331small.png Cacnea 268small.png Cascoon
152small.png Chikorita 390small.png Chimchar 366small.png Clamperl 341small.png Corphish 155small.png Cyndaquil 355small.png Duskull
349small.png Feebas 368small.png Gorebyss 316small.png Gulpin 367small.png Huntail 314small.png Illumise 352small.png Kecleon
270small.png Lotad 337small.png Lunatone 296small.png Makuhita 370small.png Luvdisc 303small.png Mawile 307small.png Meditite
258small.png Mudkip 290small.png Nincada 299small.png Nosepass 322small.png Numel 393small.png Piplup 311small.png Plusle
280small.png Ralts 315small.png Roselia 302small.png Sableye 273small.png Seedot 336small.png Seviper 285small.png Shroomish
213small.png Shuckle 353small.png Shuppet 266small.png Silcoon 300small.png Skitty 287small.png Slakoth 361small.png Snorunt
338small.png Solrock 363small.png Spheal 327small.png Spinda 325small.png Spoink 007small.png Squirtle 333small.png Swablu
276small.png Taillow 255small.png Torchic 324small.png Torkoal 158small.png Totodile 328small.png Trapinch 252small.png Treecko
357small.png Tropius 387small.png Turtwig 313small.png Volbeat 320small.png Wailmer 293small.png Whismur 278small.png Wingull
335small.png Zangoose 263small.png Zigzagoon

Items and Bundles

Item Description Token Cost
Starter Bundle 30 pokeballs and 30 Potions.
Leaf Stone A stone used to evolve certain type of Pokemon.
Fire Stone A stone used to evolve certain type of Pokemon.
Water Stone A stone used to evolve certain type of Pokemon.
Thunder Stone A stone used to evolve certain type of Pokemon.
Soothe Bell Double the happiness points for the Pokemon in the first slot of your team.
Name Pass Change your username with this pass.
Moon Stone A stone used to evolve certain type of Pokemon.
Evolution Bundle Includes Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Thunder Stone and Water Stone.
Metal Coat Evolves Onix and Scyther.
Dragon Scale Evolves Seadra into Kingdra
UpGrade Evolves Porygon into Porygon2
Prism Scale Evolves Feebas into Milotic
Dawn Stone Evolves Kirlia into Gallade and Snorunt into Froslass
Evolution Bundle Plus Includes Dragon Scale, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Metal Coat, Moon Stone, Soothe Bell, Thunder Stone, Water Stone.
Starter Bundle Plus 30 potions, 30 pokeballs and 10 days membership.
Shiny Chance for Token Store Have a chance at getting your next 10 Token Store Pokémon to be shiny.
30 Day Membership For a maximum of 30 days, receive increased experience, 100% more money, 300% shiny chance in PWO, 17.5% discount for Global Link transfers, 1.7% discount on Pokemon from Token Seller (Mart) and sell more items in Mart.
30 Day Membership Gift Card Trade or sell membership via the Playerdex Mart with this 30 day Membership Gift Card. Please note that you will not be able to activate the card on your account.
60 Day Membership For a maximum of 60 days, receive increased experience, 100% more money and 300% shiny chance in PWO, 17.5% discount for Global Link transfers, 1.7% discount on Pokemon from Token Seller (Mart) and sell more items in Mart.
60 Day Membership Gift Card Trade or sell membership via the Playerdex Mart with this 60 day Membership Gift Card. Please note that you will not be able to activate the card on your account.
90 Day Membership For a maximum of 90 days, receive increased experience, 100% more money and 300% shiny chance in PWO, 17.5% discount for Global Link transfers, 1.7% discount on Pokemon from Token Seller (Mart) and sell more items in Mart.
90 Day Membership Gift Card Trade or sell membership via the Playerdex Mart with this 90 day Membership Gift Card. Please note that you will not be able to activate the card on your account.
30 Day Membership Gift Cards (x3) Trade or sell membership via the Playerdex Mart with these three 30 day Membership Gift Cards. Please note that you will not be able to activate the cards on your account.


If you are have any questions regarding the donating system in general that are not covered on this page, feel free to post the question in Player Support. For issues regarding tokens, post your issue in the donation issues tracker sub-section.