Discord Chat

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The Staff of Pokemon World Online have created a Discord server to assist in helping out new and prospecting members. To visit the Discord Server, you can either use the web client (does not require a download), the Discord App (requires download), or click on this link

The Authenticity of PWO Discord

The Discord Channels #general-english, #general-non_english, #trade, #bot-commands, #rules, and #announcements are the Official Chatrooms for Pokemon World Online. These channels are both located on the provided Pokemon World Online server invitation.

To allow the Discord to be properly maintained, a "Discord Staff" group exists in PWO that can contains both PWO Staff and regular members. The users within this group are tasked with managing all elements of the Discord Server, as well as making decisions regarding rule sets, user ranks, operating procedures and so on within said channels, and their decisions are considered officially binding.

PWO Game Administrators and Developers have the right to Ownership status in the server.

Basic Commands

General Commands and Navigation

General commands are important for the navigation of any Discord network.

Changing your nickname

To change your nickname, type the following:

/nick nickname

Note: If you are registered to Discord, changing your nickname only affects the Pokémon World Online server; and does not affect your username. (To change your username entirely, refer to "Change Account Information", below)

Basic User Information


If you left click on a user, you will see information such as:

Server rank(s)
User ID
User Nickname
User Account Name
Alternate Option for Private Message

Personal Interaction with other Users


In order to private message a user, right click their name and choose "message". The PM will appear in the top left of your screen. Also available by right clicking:

Blocking a user
Adding/Removing user as a friend
Viewing their Profile
Mentioning Them
Viewing their Roles
Additional moderation tools if applicable

Leaving the server:


In order to leave the Pokemon world Online Discord, click on the server name at the top left and choose "Leave Server."
Mentioning a User


You can ping specific users by typing @username. This will usually notify them.
Embedding Links, Attaching Files, and !rank


New users will not be able to embed links or attach files until they have become a Regular user. You must participate in chat to automatically be promoted to a Regular user. By sending messages, you can level up. Members that reach level 4 become a member. To check your level, type !rank @yourname into the chat of the #bot-commands channel.

 !rank @nickname

General Settings:


In order to personalize your experience, click on the small gear icon at the bottom left (user settings).
Settings include when you receive notifications, the overlay theme, etc.


Registering your nickname simply means that it belongs to you and no one else can use it. Nicknames do not expire. Discord requires you to go through a basic registration process when you first join, but does not require you to verify your email in order to use its services.

Change Account Information


To change your password, email, or account name, click on the gear (user settings) on the bottom left:


You'll be given an overview of your account. Click the "edit" button. You will then be taken to a window that lets you edit your username, email, and password.


The following are the official rules for the Official Pokemon World Online Server. Modifications to these rules should only be done with staff permission after a ruling by senior Discord Staff member. These rules apply to all chatrooms.

Rule One

Listen to staff directives.

They are there to help you, whether with any game issues you may have or with understanding and acceptance of the rules. If you have an issue with an Discord Staff member you may bring it up in the chatroom on the condition that this is done with respect to the staff member and the other people in the chatroom.

Repeating behavior that you have been warned/kicked/muted for will not be tolerated. You may also ask a staff member to discuss any issues with you in PM and they may also ask you to take issues with rules or rulings to PM if that is deemed a more appropriate place to discuss them.

You may not ignore a Staff Member.

Server-Wide Rules

All of Discord's Terms of Service apply to the Pokemon World Online server and must be observed at all times. Discord Terms of Service.

Note: Due to the way Discord is designed, certain features, such as showing what game you are playing, are applied to all servers you are a part of if turned on. If you regularly play games or set statuses that contain non-PG words or imply non-PG themes, you are encouraged to turn off these features while in the Pokemon World Online server.

Spamming and Flooding

Spamming and/or flooding any of the PWO Discord chatrooms is strictly prohibited and will result in action being taken against you, such as a mute, kick or ban. This rule includes, but is not limited to:

a) Repetition: Posting the same line repeatedly within a certain time frame. HELP PLZ!! HELP PLZ!! HELP PLZ!! HELP PLZ!!
b) Symbols Spam: Posting 'Nonsense' lines. asdflkjasdfljksdfljksdflkjsdfdf sssssssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ( ! @ & #
c) Enter/Return Mania: One word per line, such as:
I love
d) All Caps: Typing in all caps. We can see your lines just fine. WHEN WILL THE SERVER BE UP!? Or WHEN WILL REGISTRATION BE UP!?!
e) ASCII Spam: Posting text based images while others are talking.
f) Smiley/Emoticons Spam: Constantly or randomly posting smilies/emoticons. IE: : ) : ) : ) : ) : )
g) General SPAM: Anything typed out with the intent of being or that becomes annoying/disrupting the flow of the chat.
(eg: /me spam-
mynick is good
mynick is great
mynick does cartwheels
mynick likes cats)


All Pokemon World Online Chatrooms are “Family Friendly” so we request that you show manners, respect and appropriateness to all users and staff while talking in our channels. This includes, but is not limited to:

a) No bashing, flaming, insulting, or hostility to any users
i) Racial/Ethnical Slurs
ii) 'Name Calling'
iii) Attacks on a persons Mentality/IQ
b) Foul language/Swearing/Cussing
i) Words like heck, damn, crap and other less vulgar words are considered acceptable when used mildly.
ii) Do not avoid censors. Censoring is still swearing.
iii) Implied swearing is still swearing.
iv) Ultimately, it's wiser to avoid the use of all foul language
c) No inappropriate nicknames, discussion, images, status, etc. If it isn't to be discussed about, it shouldn't be here.
d) No trolling
i) Lying, especially about the game/server
ii) Attention seeking
iii) Hacking
iv) Impersonation of other users

Discussion Language

Please make sure that while talking in our channels, that you abide by the following language rules and guidelines:

a) English is the game's primary language (We can't assist you if we don't understand you).
b) You may use other languages; other languages must go in #general-non_english. Non-English discussion must follow the same rules as English discussion.

Be aware that you are more likely to get a prompt response if you use English, so it may be worth your while using the Google Translator page if nobody is available to talk to you in your own language.

Topics and Discussions

Technically we don’t restrict the actual topics discussed in #general. However considering the age of many people who play PWO and chat here some restrictions are inevitable. Below are some guidelines in this area:

a) The primary purpose for the Pokemon World Online Discord server is to support for PWO players. Please place all conversations on hold and assist them if possible before continuing other discussions.
b) Trade requests are to be made in #trade. They should not be done in #general.
c) Excessive roleplaying, Q&A trivia and other chatroom games may be considered too spammy and disruptive to general chatting and help. If this happens it may be necessary to take the game to another chatroom. If this becomes commonplace, the server staff will create a specific chatroom.
d) There is no official topic in the #general channel. Anything (within rules) can be discussed, as long as it's done in an appropriate manner.
e) If a server staff member feels the conversation is becoming too inappropriate, they may request you to change topics.
f) Be respectful of all ages.
i) Explicit discussions need to be taken to a PM
ii) If you're not sure:
1) Ask a moderator (or other Staff) in a PM. If a staff member is not present, don't say it.
2) Take it to a PM: Right click the user in question.
3) Join/Create another chat room or server.
g) Avoid discussions involving illegal activities (even if it's not illegal in your area). Including but not limited to:
i) Drugs (including marijuana)
ii) Hacking
iii) Macroing/Botting
iv) Roms/Emulators


In order to prevent further action being taken against an innocent user, we request that you follow the following guidelines to protect your nickname (username) in the Discord Chatroom so that it cannot be abused.

a) To further avoid impersonation, please register your name.
b) Discord will give you notifications on how to verify your email.


These rules and guidelines for advertising external links/internal channels, is in place to protect users from potentially dangerous websites or chat channels of a different appropriateness. These Rules and Guidelines include, but are not limited to:

a) Do not advertise other online pokemon games. Basic discussion is allowed but be wary that you aren't accidentally drumming up interest in a competitor.
b) External links may be posted as long as it does not:
i) Violate the PWO Discord rules (even if it's outside of Discord)
ii) Contain direct downloads (exceptions being PWO endorsed links)
iii) Contain malicious links.
iv) Contain referral links to other services.
c) Do not post channels/websites simply for getting users
d) Do not advertise other Discord servers. PWO Staff cannot vouch for the content in rooms not controlled by them.

PWO Discord Staff


You may identify PWO Discord Staff through the following signs:

  1. Bot - Pink name. Have a [bot] tag next to their name. These are robots that automatically enforce basic rules, such as removing vulgarity and spam.
  2. Staff - Green name. When clicked, user info will display "Staff." These users are ingame staff in PWO. They are not required or expected to moderate the chat.
  3. Moderator - Blue name. When clicked, user info will display "Moderator." These users are expected to enforce chat rules.
  4. Admin - Orange name. When clicked, user info will display "Admin." These users oversee the server and promotions/demotions of staff/other users.

Discord also shows hierarchy through its user list, if applicable.

a) If you're told that you are in violation of the rules, cease your actions immediately. Staff will always warn first before kicking for ‘minor’ offenses. If you are kicked consider it a stronger warning.
b) If you are Muted you are one step away from a ban- consider it your final warning. Attempting to avoid a Mute by relogging or changing nicknames will in most cases lead to a Ban.
c) Ban Evasion will in every case get your ban extended.
d) If you have an issue with a ruling, feel free to report your complaint by PMing one of the Pokemon World Online Moderators or Admins. Please include proper logs (copy and paste) of the incident. If you do not have logs, please include a time period of the incident.
e) If you are banned from the channel you may post under Account Issues on the Community Watch for review. If you are abusive on the forums, chat, or website it will be treated accordingly by the PWO Staff.

Misc and Other

All of the Rules and Guidelines that do not fall under any other category can be found here, nevertheless they must still be followed while chatting in any of the PWO Discord Channels. They include, but are not limited to:

a) Channels:
i) If you want to create a channel, first look for another channel that you can use. Channel recycling is a promoted action here. To view all channels use /list.
ii) Do not use auto-response bots/macros/scripts in the main PWO channels unless approved by the Discord Staff. However, they are allowed in user-ran channels such as tournament channels.
iii) Please avoid constantly entering/leaving the channels.
iv) Please avoid constantly changing nicks
b) The PWO Discord is not an alternative method of checking the ingame server status. Follow the PWO_ Twitter and the server status checker for up to date Server information. Do not ask about the ingame server status.
c) If you are given a definitive answer to your query, do not keep spamming the chatroom if you are not satisfied with the answer. Nor should you post on the forums about the same topic unless PWO Discord Staff suggest it would be worthwhile. If PWO Discord Staff are unsure of a solution to your query they will tell you.
d) Please do not give personal / account information in the open chatrooms. And always be extremely careful of what private information you give to anyone in Private Messages.